How did 'Texas, Our Texas' become the official state song?

Published Tue, 18 Mar 2025 04:24:59 GMT

How did 'Texas, Our Texas' become the official state song? AUSTIN (KXAN) — Nearly 100 years ago, Texas politicians began their quest for finding the best song to serve as the official song of Texas. Over the period of five years, two separate competitions and hundreds of entries, the Texas Legislature officially adopted "Texas, Our Texas" as the state song in 1929.William J. Marsh wrote the music and Gladys Yoakum Wright wrote the lyrics to "Texas, Our Texas" in the early 1920s.In 1924, Texas Gov. Pat Neff launched a yearlong contest to find and select the official state anthem. "Texas, Our Texas" was selected as the winner, but the contest stalled out and didn't progress, said Susan Floyd, communications officer at the Texas State Library and Archives Commission.William J. Marsh wrote the music and Gladys Yoakum Wright wrote the lyrics to "Texas, Our Texas" in the early 1920s. (Courtesy: Texas State Library and Archives Commission)William J. Marsh wrote the music and Gladys Yoakum Wright wrote the lyrics to "Texas, Our Texas" in the early ...

98.3 TRY Social Dilemma: I Saw My Neighbor Cheating-Should I Tell Her Husband?

Published Tue, 18 Mar 2025 04:24:59 GMT

98.3 TRY Social Dilemma: I Saw My Neighbor Cheating-Should I Tell Her Husband? ALBANY, N.Y. (NEWS10) -- Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma is from Shannon, and it's a tough one. Check it out: Get all of the latest news, weather, sports, and entertainment delivered right to your inbox! Good morning Jaime, my name is Shannon and I need some serious advice. So my neighbors who have been married for a long time and have kids in college are friends of mine. There have always been rumors that the wife would sometimes step out, but rumors are just that. Well over the weekend I was out with a friend at a birthday party about an hour from where I live, and we had dinner in a private room at a restaurant. When I went to the bathroom I saw my neighbor snuggling up with another man at the bar. I snuck back into the room and later snuck out of the restaurant. I told my husband when I got home what I saw and he feels so bad and wants to tell her husband because he’s such a nice guy. I told him no it’s not our business and for all we know he knows or just doesn’t care? What w...

19-year-old accused of robbery at senior housing center

Published Tue, 18 Mar 2025 04:24:59 GMT

19-year-old accused of robbery at senior housing center ULSTER, N.Y. (NEWS10) -- An Esopus 19-year-old is accused of robbery, menacing, and more at a senior housing complex in the town of Ulster. Niaki Dial was arrested on Thursday and faces several charges. Get all of the latest news, weather, sports, and entertainment delivered right to your inbox! Ulster Police say on March 9, they responded to a reported burglary at the Chambers Senior Housing Complex. Police say a male suspect entered an occupied residence and threatened those living there before taking a purse belonging to one of the victims. Police say they later identified the suspect at Dial and found him shortly after on Ulster Avenue. Charges:First-degree robberyFirst-degree burglaryThird-degree grand larcenyFourth-degree grand larcenyFourth-degree criminal possession of stolen propertyThird-degree menacingDial was arraigned on Thursday afternoon in the Town of Ulster. The Ulster County Police Department was assisted by the Ulster County Sheriff's Office and the New York Sta...

Ask Amy: Pandemic’s long-term effect worries reader

Published Tue, 18 Mar 2025 04:24:59 GMT

Ask Amy: Pandemic’s long-term effect worries reader Dear Amy: Do people report to you that the Covid pandemic changed them?It changed me.I thought the isolation wouldn’t bother me because I am an introverted woman. I treasure my solitude.There were times when I didn’t see another human being for a week or 10 days.I went only to the store and the library just to see another human being and chat for a minute or two. That seemed to suffice — after all, for two years that person walking toward me might be carrying a disease that could kill me.I remember thinking it’s as though I am in a spaceship that keeps circling the Earth, and I can’t land.Well, now I have landed, and I find that I am less tolerant than I used to be, and a lot more cynical.My compassion for others has descended to a new low.I have dropped a couple of long-term friendships because I couldn’t bear the other person’s neediness. It was as if I was for years wearing rose-colored glasses, but they fell off and now I see the world differently.I am active again in an a...

EU welcomes Japan joining the multi-party interim appeal arbitration arrangement

Published Tue, 18 Mar 2025 04:24:59 GMT

EU welcomes Japan joining the multi-party interim appeal arbitration arrangement The EU welcomes Japan's decision to join the multi-party interim appeal arbitration arrangement (MPIA), which is open to all World Trade Organization (WTO) members. The MPIA is an alternative, stop-gap system for resolving WTO disputes, anchored in the WTO Agreement, set up by the EU and key partners, pending the restoration of a reformed WTO dispute settlement system. Including Japan, 26 WTO members currently participate in the MPIA.Existing WTO rules, which still govern the majority of our trade, are our best guardrail against global economic fragmentation. The EU therefore has a fundamental strategic interest in a strong and reformed WTO, and we must continue leading efforts to reform it.Japan's decision, along with that of other MPIA members, confirms the commitment of leading WTO players to the organisation's dispute settlement system and the rules that that system enforces. It is also a strong sign of support for the restoration of a reformed and fully functioning dispute sett...

The 10 most expensive homes reported sold in San Jose in the week of Feb. 27

Published Tue, 18 Mar 2025 04:24:59 GMT

The 10 most expensive homes reported sold in San Jose in the week of Feb. 27 A house in San Jose that sold for $2.6 million tops the list of the most expensive real estate sales in San Jose in the last week.In total, 11 real estate sales were recorded in the area during the past week, with an average price of $1.9 million. The average price per square foot was $999.The prices in the list below concern real estate sales where the title was recorded during the week of Feb. 27 even if the property may have been sold earlier.10. $1.7 million, single-family residence in the 1500 block of Bird AvenueThe property in the 1500 block of Bird Avenue in San Jose has new owners. The price was $1,650,909. The house was built in 1974 and has a living area of 2,055 square feet. The price per square foot is $803. The house features 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms.Bird Avenue9. $1.7 million, detached house in the 6600 block of Pomander PlaceThe property in the 6600 block of Pomander Place in San Jose has new owners. The price was $1,705,000. The house was built in 1969 and has a l...

Bridge: March 13, 2023

Published Tue, 18 Mar 2025 04:24:59 GMT

Bridge: March 13, 2023 Unlucky Louie has raised nine kids. He says it’s a sign of maturity when they realize that the volume knob also turns counterclockwise. It’s a sign of maturity at bridge when you don’t rush to draw trumps.At today’s four spades, South betrayed a streak of immaturity when he won the first heart with the ace and let the queen of trumps ride. When East won and returned a heart, the defense got the minor-suit aces plus a heart trick.CLUB WINNERA more mature — and less impatient — declarer surveys the situation before he plays a card. South has a possible loser in each suit but can set up a club winner to pitch a heart from dummy. He must do that promptly: If he loses an early trump finesse, the defense will gain time.South wins the first heart in dummy, saving the ace as an entry to his hand, and leads a club to his king. East wins the next club and returns a heart, but South wins and discards dummy’s last heart on the high club. Then he can lea...

Horoscopes March 13, 2023: William H. Macy, evaluate your financial situation

Published Tue, 18 Mar 2025 04:24:59 GMT

Horoscopes March 13, 2023: William H. Macy, evaluate your financial situation CELEBRITIES BORN ON THIS DAY: Adam Clayton, 63; Dana Delany, 67; William H. Macy, 73; Neil Sedaka, 84.Dana Delany (Photo by Theo Wargo/Getty Images for Tribeca Film Festival) Happy Birthday: Make every move count this year. Be realistic, plan and prepare diligently and distance yourself from impossible situations that will hold you back. Evaluate your financial situation and implement changes geared toward safe investments, saving and managing your money better. Be innovative but practical when dealing with domestic issues and relationships. Be supportive of others, but make your values and goals your priorities. Your numbers are 7, 15, 18, 24, 35, 41, 43.ARIES (March 21-April 19): Take an obscure path that stimulates your creative awareness and helps you recognize prospects you never knew existed. Channel your energy into learning, meetings and negotiating your way into something new and exciting, not to mention financially beneficial. 5 starsTAURUS (April 20-May 20): You̵...

Word Game: March 13, 2023

Published Tue, 18 Mar 2025 04:24:59 GMT

Word Game: March 13, 2023 TODAY’S WORD — RAVAGED (RAVAGED: RA-vij’d: Violently destructed.)Average mark 14 wordsTime limit 25 minutesCan you find 17 or more words in RAVAGED? The list will be published tomorrow.SATURDAY’S WORD — MEASURED made mare maser mead mere mesa muse eared ease edema erase amuse armed arms same seam sear seder sedum seed seem seer sere serum smear sued suede suer surd sure urea used user read ream reed remade remuda resume reuse rude rued ruse dame dare dear deem deer demur demure dram dream drumTo purchase the Word Game book, visit Order it now for just $5 while supplies last!RULES OF THE GAME:1. Words must be of four or more letters.2. Words that acquire four letters by the addition of “s,” such as “bats” or “dies,” are not allowed.3. Additional words made by adding a “d” or an “s” may not be used. For example, if “bake” is used, “baked” or “bakes” are not allowed, but “bake” and “baking” are admissible.4. Proper nouns, slang words, or...

2 found dead in SUV after double shooting in Capitol Hill

Published Tue, 18 Mar 2025 04:24:59 GMT

2 found dead in SUV after double shooting in Capitol Hill Two people are dead after a shooting in Capitol Hill Sunday night.D.C. police are investigating the double shooting that happened in the area of 11th and D streets in Southeast D.C. around 8 p.m.More Local NewsMore DC NewsTwo men were found inside a crashed SUV suffering from gunshot wounds, First District Cmdr. Tasha Bryant said at a news conference. One man died at the scene.The other man was transported to a hospital where he later died due to his injuries, Bryant said. Neither of their identities have been released as police begin their investigation.“We do everything that we can to keep communities and our visitors safe,” Bryant told reporters on Sunday night. “This is a tragedy and I’m so hurt, my heart is broken that I’m standing in front of you guys again talking about gun violence.”Eastbound traffic on 11th Street between M Street and Pennsylvania Avenue has all lanes blocked due to the police investigation. Pennsylvania Avenue had been p...

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